"Here are some of my favourite web sites that you may also be interested in. If you would like to exchange links, please do not hesitate to contact me."
Liz photo website, also hosted by clikpic, is now up and running - click on the link to take a peak!
Strood & District Aquarist Society
One of the Best Tropical & Coldwater Fishkeeping Clubs around. Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month @ the Consevative Club in Strood Kent.
RSPB Medway Local Group (Kent UK)
If you would like to help all nature and birds in particular, join the RSPB. In addition, why not come and join us at your local group here in the Medway Towns area, where you will meet lots of friendly, like-minded, people at our monthly indoor meetings at the Parkwood Community Centre, Rainham, Gillingham, Kent - where guest speakers will amaze you with their presentations and knowledge. Why not, also join, one, or more, of our birdwatching walks and, perhaps, brush up on your spotting knowledge. Follow the link to our local group website for lots more information. (the thumbnail is a female Kestrel taken by myself at our group's walk around RSPB Rainham Marshes in Essex).
Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust
The SBBOT is a centre of excellence for all things in connection with the Natural World but particularly, of course, for Birding. Whether it be for serious ringing and ornithological observation or learning to birdwatch (they also run, in conjunction with the RSPB, a Saturday WEX Group for Youngsters and Phoenix Group started this year). Ian, the warden regularly walks the areas and records not only Birds but Butterflies, Moths, Spiders, Dragon & Damselflies and many other interesting aspects of the area. In fact, they carry out so many things it's too numerous to list them here, so why not follow the link and see for yourself - but most importantly, why not join SBBOT.
Simon Wates
If you ever go to the Algarve in Portugal in search of excellent birding, then please contact Simon. He will be your tour guide extrordinaire for single days, short or long tours around any part of Birdwatchers Portugal and Spain. His knowledge is not limited to birds, but extends to most, if not all, of the other flora and fauna in the region. We enjoyed 4 separate day trips with Simon in March 2007 - 3 in various areas in the Algarve area and 1 into Donana in Spain. So if you're going that way and it's birds you want to see (and he hasn't paid us to say this) contact Simon for the birding experience of your life!
A good overseas natural world travel company.
Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT)
If you live in Kent and you're interested in anything to do with nature, you really should join the KWT - you'll have places to visit all over Kent and many local groups hold meetings at which you can hear and see excellent speakers and presentations.
Websites for photographers and artists
Professional Photographer
Great photo magazine